When Merphy Napier invited me to participate in her inaugural ReRead-A-Thon, I instantly knew this would be my chance to revisit some of my childhood favorites... Or in some cases my favorite children's books.
You see, I wasn't much of a reader when I was a kid. This is horrifying, I know.
I'll give you a minute to digest this fact and let the shock wear off.
And... We're back!
As I was saying, I have very few favorite books from my childhood since reading wasn't a priority for me back then. But there is one childhood classic at the top of my list...Alice in Wonderland.
I doubt I will ever adore a book, a world or a cast of characters more than that of this children's classic. I own dozens of copies -- old and new -- as well as knick knacks and artwork commemorating this fantastical tale. Books about Lewis Carroll's well-known novel litter my bookshelves, and I even wrote my thesis on the people behind the story and the bits of truth that pepper its pages.
Alice has been with me since I was a little girl, and I've revisited her world more times than I can count over the years, finding renewed joy and appreciation in the story ever time. It's that lasting effect that makes childhood favorites so impactful.
Like any reader, I love experiencing a new world, but there is something incredibly satisfying about delving back into the familiar. Like the literary version of going home again.
That's why I'm so excited to kick this ReRead-A-Thon off with a few of my childhood favorites. There are some children's and young adult books that I've read as an adult in my TBR, but three titles from my youth are at the top of my list.

I'll definitely be rereading Alice in Wonderland and Tuck Everlasting. The entire Nightworld Series is slated for a reread this year, but I doubt I'll finish this week since there are other books I have on my ReRead-A-Thon TBR. Who knows though? Maybe I'll surprise myself!
Are you planning to reread any of your childhood faves for ReRead-A-Thon 2018?
Comment below and tell me what you're reading!
Remember there are daily giveaways during ReRead-A-Thon 2018...
3 hosts per day! 21 total giveaways!