When you hit a snag in your story,
how do you overcome it?
(Sorry this post is so late today. I try to put it all together in advance and Blogger eats it. Just my luck.)
how do you overcome it?
(Sorry this post is so late today. I try to put it all together in advance and Blogger eats it. Just my luck.)
"I let it ride until it unknots itself. Sometimes I jump forward and write past it, and occasionally the answer will be there. Or I work on a different project. Anything to keep the words moving." - Tiffany Trent, author of the Hallowmere series.
"I don't often hit snags because my characters drive the story (generally). When I need to puzzle my way around a problem a character's suddenly created I take a brief break--maybe a nap, maybe get some coffee, listen to a particular playlist or take a drive." - Shannon Delany, author of 13 to Life: A Werewolf's Tale.
"I jump to another part of the story or I talk it through with my critique partner. I very seldom get up and leave the computer. I'm a pretty determined person and like to work through it." - Denise Jaden, author of Losing Faith.
"Chocolate pudding and fresh air. I've worn grooves into the sidewalk of my neighborhood from pacing." - Victoria Schwab, author of The Near Witch.

"I usually have a whole list of stuff I need to do – research, other scenes, editing – so I let the snag go. I just tell myself it’s not going to work that day and let my subconscious mull the problem in peace. Usually, within a few days, the perfect solution will pop into my head. (Which is why writers must always carry a notebook.)" - Amy Brecount White, author of Forget-Her-Nots.

"I send the draft to Margie. It's one of the perks of having a writing partner--the two of us are never stuck at the same time. But for people who don't have a WP, I think it's helpful to step away from the draft. Listen to music, see a movie, just get out of your writing space. Another helpful trick is to skip the part you're stuck on, and just move on to another scene or chapter." - Kami Garcia, co-author of Beautiful Creatures.
"I usually take a pen and paper and then actually start writing out whatever the problem is. Such as, 'I don't know what to do with this event. It's fun but not really important. Maybe if I spice it up and link it to another chapter I can keep it. But what if...'" - Alexandra Diaz, author of Of All the Stupid Things.
"The best fix I’ve found is driving…with really, really loud music playing. I can’t explain it, but it clears the head. Usually while I’m driving I can sort through whatever I’m stuck on, and the story fix I was looking for just…appears!" - Kimberly Derting, author of The Body Finder.

"I pull myself out of the story and outline possible scenarios." - Rhonda Hayter, author of The Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams.

"Usually by putting the manuscript away for a little while before tackling it again." - Leah Cypess, author of Mistwood.
"Wow, okay, I have a *lot* of tricks for dealing with this but my main ones include writing letters to my characters and trying to get them to tell me what they want, and IMing with my crit partners and trying to explain what my characters want. One of these things is guaranteed to produce a solution eventually." - Brenna Yovanoff, author of The Replacement.

"Talking out the issue with my husband, reading books, incessantly calling writers I know to kvetch, eating ice cream." - Swati Avashti, author of Split.

Come back Thursday to learn how the rest of the authors persevere after running into a problem.
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