Tell us a secret about your most recent book.
"I never reveal secrets, because then they would be secrets anymore. :)" - Riley Carney, author of The Fire Stone.
"My newest book (as yet unpublished) was written in part because I'm a movie fanatic and was incredibly inspired by the atmosphere of Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins and The Dark Knight." - Michelle Zink, author of Prophecy of Sisters.
"Sorry, no secrets from me. I made a pact with my characters. What kind of a person blabs trusted details?" - Bonnie Doerr, author of Island Sting.
"I'm not sure how many people are familiar with Shakespearean theory, but some scholars think that Ophelia drowned herself because she was pregnant, which is one of the reasons I chose her for Bertie's mother." - Lisa Mantchev, author of the Theater Illuminata series.

"I wrote Faithful for my mother. She passed away suddenly, and she always wanted to be a writer. She would have loved the book and loved even more the fact that it is coming out in May, just after Mother's Day." - Janet Fox, author of Faithful.

"In my novel, there's a scene where a boy is arrested for stealing garden gnomes from a hardware store. It's my favorite scene in the book. Now, every time I go to a hardware store and see the landscaping aisle, I feel guilty! Because my character stole garden ornaments! Even though they aren't actually real." - Steph Bowe, author of Girl Saves Boy.

"Shortly after Julia’s death, Austin started dating again very quickly; we know that because it’s in The Secret Year. But what we don’t see is that on Austin’s first date, he ended up crying drunkenly on the girl’s shoulder. She felt bad for him and never told anyone." - Jennifer Hubbard, author of The Secret Year.

"Well, The Naughty List is available now, but I have another book that's coming out in Fall of 2011 called Delinquents. Fun fact: That was actually the book I was trying to sell when Razorbill ended up offering on TNL." - Suzanne Young, author of The Naughty List.
"I wrote Change of Heart and then later learned about a local teen soccer player who received a heart transplant. Her illness and surgery happened at least a year after I had finished Change of Heart, but I eventually spoke to her and was amazed by the parallels in her story and Emmi's story. I'm thrilled that she's doing great--and even playing soccer again." - Shari Maurer, author of Change of Heart.

"The Tension of Opposites, which centers around the return of my main character’s best friend after a two year abduction, was released on May 25 – which just happens to be National Missing Children’s Day. The crazy thing is that this was not planned in any way. I figured it out one day when I was doing a search, and when I told my editor, I was shocked to learn that she had no idea. The coincidence is creepy-cool if you ask me." - Kristina McBride, author of The Tension of Opposites.
"Hm. Well, they say to know your characters as well as you know yourself, and I will say that is true for all my characters except one. Grimalkin. I don’t know much about him at all. I don’t know his background, his inner thoughts, or why he does the things he does. He’s as much a mystery to me as to everyone else who comes across him, and I think he prefers it that way." - Julie Kagawa, author of The Iron King.
"Shadowed Summer is already on shelves- the whole book is about revealing secrets, so I can't honestly think of one that wouldn't spoil the story. But I can tell you that the first draft was 72,000 words long. The draft that was published came in at 46,000 words. Writing is rewriting (or in my case, cutting!)." - Saundra Mitchell, author of Shadowed Summer.
Make sure to stop by Tuesday and find out what our authors favorite literary devices are!
all these Authors! Wow Great Question
ReplyDeleteYou really do have a lot of these questions set up with authors don't you? Well, I have been really enjoying them! I like Julie's answer, I don't know if anyone truly has Grimalkin figured out :)
ReplyDeleteJust letting you know that you won an award over at my blog =)