Does reading while you draft disrupt your writing process?

"Not at all. The more words that come out of my brain, the more words I need to put back in." - Leah Clifford, author of A Touch Mortal.

"When I am near the end of drafting a novel, I rarely read other books because I find it highly distracting. I like to binge read though as a reward for finishing!" - Daisy Whitney, author of The Mockingbirds.

"Yes! I'm a sponge for other writer's voices. There are several authors I actually won't allow myself to read any more (tragically, some of my favorites) because they just insinuate themselves in my writing way too much." - Jon Skovron, author of Struts & Frets.
"Time allowing, I do read while in the active drafting stages of my own work. I'm an evening reader and it's often my reward for hitting my daily word count. I will say that I avoid reading anything that's too close to my topic at hand. I never want even the slightest doubt that an idea wasn’t my own. Anyway, with all the books out there, there's still plenty to choose from. Nothing is more inspiring than reading a great passage or something wise or witty and then hearing that little voice in the back of your head that says: 'Wow. I want to do that.'" - Wendy Delsol, author of Stork.
"No, it does the opposite. When I read while writing, I am always inspired by another writer's genius." - Rebecca Maizel, author of Infinite Days.
"Not at all. I read constantly and I consider reading part of my essential fuel as a writer." - Kelly Creagh, author of Nevermore.
"Not usually. But I do always try to read books in the same genre so that I dont' get any new ideas while focusing on one book - but at the same time, I steer clear of books to similar to my own plot. Like, if I'm writing a love/hate relationship, I don't read books with a love/hate relationship. It's my way of insuring I'm not too directly influenced." - Kody Keplinger, author of The DUFF.
"Reading a good book can derail my writing process temporarily, but I find that the siren call of my own story will always send me back to the work-in-progress." - Dianne Salerni, author of We Hear the Dead.
"No. Otherwise, I'm too much in my own head. But I do like to read something a little different from what I'm writing. For example, I don't read YA dystopia while I'm writing YA dystopia, but I'll read YA contemporary or something else. And I just can't live without reading good writing, and I'm afraid sometimes my own writing just doesn't cut it for me." - Ally Condie, author of Matched.

"I usually don’t read while I’m drafting because I write for 7-10 hours a day, while drafting. It’s very manic. It’s almost as if I have to get the story out as quickly as possible, or I’ll lose it. If I do read, it’s generally non-fiction for research." - Kami Garcia, co-author of Beautiful Creatures.

"I read every night before bed, and I write during the day. I’ve never found it to be a conflict, though I will purposely put books aside if they have a similar theme, at least until I finish my first draft." - Denise Jaden, author of Losing Faith.
"Not at all. I read all the time. It's as much a part of my life as eating. And I read multiple books at once."- Jennifer Hubbard, author of The Secret Year.
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