As a reader, are you on the e-book bandwagon or would you rather have a physical book? Do you feel differently as a writer?

"Depends. If it's a book I want to keep forever, hard copy all the way (hardcover if I can get it). Otherwise, I'm fine with an ereader or paperback. I feel the same way as a writer, too." - Beth Revis, author of Across the Universe.
"I was an early owner of an e-reader. Over time, I’ve learned that I prefer physical books. I especially prefer scouring for books in bookstores and libraries to scrolling selections and downloading text. Also, with the spike in the use of e-readers, I’m really beginning to miss spying what books others carry or have shelved in their homes. I’m in no way opposed to e-readers, especially if it inspires reluctant readers to read more frequently. With that said, however, I’m not overly given to nostalgia or resistant to the inevitable transition to e-readers. They just make sense." - Ty Roth, author of So Shelly. 
"Definitely hard copy. I bought a Nook this fall because it makes it easier to exchange work with other authors during the draft stage, and I like being able to check out books from my library on it. But when I find a new book I want, it's almost always in hard copy form. So far, anyway. :-)" - Kay Cassidy, author of The Cinderella Society.

"Depends. If it's a book I want to keep forever, hard copy all the way (hardcover if I can get it). Otherwise, I'm fine with an ereader or paperback. I feel the same way as a writer, too." - Beth Revis, author of Across the Universe.
"I like both for different reasons. I love ebooks because I can have it downloaded before I’ve even really decided that I want to read it. I love hardcovers too, especially if I know I’m going to be able to get it signed." - Cynthia Omololu, author of Dirty Little Secrets.

"I'm so behind the times- I've never even tried an e-book! So it's paper for me all the way. But I know lots of voracious readers who love their e-readers- so I may change my mind someday." - Maurissa Guibord, author of Warped.
"I prefer physical books, but I do have a Nook that I use when I need a book now. As a writer, it honestly makes no difference to me, as long as people are able to get the books they want. It doesn't matter to me how that happens. But I do hope that paper books never go completely away, and I don't think that they will. At least not for a very long time!" - Hannah Moskowitz, author of Invincible Summer.
"I just got an e-reader that I plan to use when traveling. I don’t imagine the transition will be too difficult. I have easily gotten accustomed to listening to books—I have a 25-minute walk to work, so I get a lot of reading done that way! On the other hand, I find it difficult to read for pleasure on a computer screen. I can get information that way very easily, but for pleasure, I need something printed. I’m curious to see if the e-reader will feel more like a book or a computer. Stay tuned!" - Tracy Barrett, author of King of Ithaka.
"I haven’t ever read an e-book, though e-book editions of my YA novels are available. As a reader, I see it as a format option. Perhaps convenient for the plane in a way similar to how I enjoy listening to audio books on long car trips. As a writer, it doesn’t make much difference to me." - Cynthia Leitich Smith, author of Blessed.
"Both, actually. I love real books. My apartment is literally lined with hundreds and hundreds of them. But I also love my Kindle, and the fact that I can take hundreds and hundreds of books with me everywhere I go. I think there's room in the publishing world for both." - Gretchen McNeil, author of Possess.
"I don't have an e-reader. I would like one for reading critiquer manuscripts, but at this time I feel no desire to read an ebook instead of a real book. I have literally had nightmares about bookstores going out of business. Not just because I wonder where the landscape is moving for myself as a writer, but because the only thing we do on a boring summer day in Orlando is go hang out at bookstores." - Jaclyn Dolamore, author of Between the Sea and Sky.
"I think e-books are awesome. I have never read one, but I love the idea, especially as a means of capturing the attention of younger readers. Personally, I love holding a book and getting away from screens for a little while every day, but I've got nothing against the idea of the e-book market expanding, perhaps even eclipsing the paper book market." - Inara Scott, author of Delcroix Academy: The Candidates.
"I can totally see the appeal of e-books, as a reader and a writer. But for me nothing beats the real thing. I like to run my fingers over the cover, shelve the book in my bookcase, and…on a strange but true level…I love the smell of the paper. When I crack open a new book the first thing I do is flip the pages and sniff. Does that make me weird? ;)" - Kim Harrington, author of Clarity.
"I look at screens so much every day that I get a headache when I think about reading fiction on a screen, too. It feels like work, not relaxation. I'm sure my thoughts on that will evolve, though, as they have on everything tech/digital-related. As a writer, I don't mind ebooks as long as the movement doesn't somehow impinge on writers getting paid fairly their work." - Sara Bennett Wealer, author of Rival.
"I'm a physical book girl, totally. I don't own an ereader, and I spend enough time staring at my computer screen, you know? So as a writer I'm especially not much for reading ebooks; my eyes are bad enough as it is!" - Stacia Kane, author of City of Ghosts.
Stop by Thursday to find out if the rest of the authors prefer physical books or virtual ones!
I'm all up for both! Loved reading the answers^_^.