What's the worst day's diet you can recall eating while engrossed in a project?

"Popcorn. All day." - Leanna Renee Hieber, author of Darker Still and The Perilous Prophecy of Guard and Goddess.

"It probably involved drinking too much hot tea and eating too many carbs. I am an unrepentant sugar addict, and these cravings seem to spiral out of control when I'm under deadline. I trick myself into believing that the sugar feeds my creativity, and that the heightened brain activity will help burn those extra calories!" - Sonia Gensler, author of The Revenant.

"I lived nearly an entire summer on pretzels, Reese’s Pieces and Diet Pepsi with take out for dinner." - Suzanne Young, author of A Need So Beautiful.
"Once while revising I ate about six red velvet cupcakes (hey - they were a gift!) and countless cups of coffee and Diet Coke." - Miranda Kenneally, author of Score.
"Forgetting to eat, entirely! I do not recommend this. Collapsing on your keyboard at the end of the day can wipe out that whole hungry day's worth of work." - Lesley Livingston, author of Tempestuous.
"Cereal and coffee. For all 3 meals." - Amy Plum, author of Die for Me.

"Skittles, Cadbury Mini Eggs and waffles." - Jennifer Murgia, author of Lemniscate.
"You know that Franz Kafka short story 'A Hunger Artist,' where he sits in a circus cage and fasts for the amusement of others, only the longer he fasts, the longer people want him to fast? Kind of like jugglers. No matter how many balls or plates or chainsaws or bowling balls the juggler gets up in the air, people inevitably get bored and demand the juggler add still one more and one more after that. And just so with the hunger artist. He gives the people what they want. He fasts for longer and longer periods. Only people lose interest anyway. And in the end, when he’s fasted away to nothing, they merely sweep out what’s left of him with the old dirt and straw at the bottom of his cage. Anyway, my worst day’s diet while engrossed in a project wasn’t anything like that. I just ate my daughters’ Halloween candy, a couple of pieces at a time, until it all disappeared right about the time we started gearing up for Thanksgiving. And now I can’t stand candy corn." - Steve Watkins, author of What Comes After.
"I can easily live on a diet of protein bars and coffee when I am heavily inside a project. I don’t find that so bad though. I actually eat like that most of the time." - Janet Gurtler, author of I'm Not Her.
Stop by Tuesday to find out how the authors gauge personal success!
Where did you learn to layout photos facing into a story? :-) Clever blogger!