What is the biggest sacrifice you've made to pursue writing?

"Sleep. And, by association, dreams. I really prize my dreams. Kept a dream journal -- not for any New Age reasons and I abhor dream 'interpretation' -- for about fifteen years. I'd write out or draw the dreams I had and was amazed by the similarities in some. There were some really odd coincidences and creations in my dreams during much of my teen years. There was one month that I dreamt of the same location five times in a row. I would leave myself messages hidden inside books and return to retrieve them in later dreams. Crazy stuff and, no, drugs were not involved." - K. Ryer Breese, author of Future Imperfect.

"Time with my family. I spend so much time locked away with my characters it fills me with guilt." - Leigh Fallon, author of The Carrier of the Mark.

"Stability. I quit an office job with good benefits and a steady paycheck and work part-time as a bartender so I would have more time to write. Writing does not pay well. Bartending pays the bills, but it's not a reliable income all the time either. I'm a Cancer. I need security. It scares the crap out of me not to have a steady, stable, reliable income, but I do it because I want to give writing my all. Oh, I also live some place that I don't really want to live because I can't afford to move to my dream city (Seattle). That's a pretty big sacrifice for me, too." - Stephanie Kuehnert, author of Ballads of Suburbia.

"I have ignored my friends and family so I can write. They try to be patient with me, but writers don’t get paid holidays or weekends off. I feel pretty bad about this." - Marta Acosta, author of Haunted Honeymoon.
"I wouldn’t say it’s a sacrifice, but the hardest thing was keeping the faith, being stubborn enough to keep writing and keep sending work out there." - Alyxandra Harvey, author of Haunting Violet.
"My credit score? We had to make a lot of sacrifices in order for me to write this book. Going out with friends, flying home to visit our families, shopping for anything but groceries, going out to dinner or to the movies… you name it. My husband and I barely made it, but we managed. That’s the important part." - Josephine Angelini, author of Starcrossed.

"In my other life, I’m a CPA. There is a shortage of CPAs, so if I’d pursued that avenue with gusto, I could be making a great salary with pretty bennies.Instead, I have a few clients I prepare taxes for every year, make just enough to say my husband isn’t the sole breadwinner, and leave lots of free time in the months following tax season to write. My husband rocks at life." - Trinity Faegen, author of The Mephisto Covenant.

"I don't feel like I've truly sacrificed anything, because writing is my first love and I'll do whatever it takes to make it work. But there has of course been a big investment of money and time. And I did drop out of a PhD program, but that wasn't only about writing." - Tera Lynn Childs, author of Sweet Venom.
"Sleep! But honestly, I don't think of anything I've done to pursue writing as a sacrifice... it's been part of my life since I was a kid, so it's kind of like asking, 'What's the biggest sacrifice you've made to pursue walking?'" - Leah Cypess, author of Nightspell.
Come back Thursday to find out what sacrifices the rest of the authors have made to pursue writing!
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