Has there ever been a time when you were ready to quit or thought you weren’t cut out for this business? What brought you back?

"I never completely gave up, but there was a sticky month or two when I thought it was about time to check the teacher openings in my community. (I had taken a two year leave from my job as a high school English teacher to seriously pursue publication.) Fortunately, my first sale came through just in time. Not that I dreaded the idea of returning to teaching -- I just knew I'd never be able to manage writing and teaching at the same time. Others do it, but I'm not that skilled." - Sonia Gensler, author of The Revenant.
"I quit all the time. I am certainly NOT cut out for this business. The business aspect of being an author is deadening. It would make Richard Simmons disconsolate. The actual writing brings me back. When I’m writing, I’m a working artist. I am writing to learn and to surprise myself. When I’m not writing, I am doing other things I find fascinating and surprising. I come back to writing when I start missing it. And I start missing it when I realize there is something I haven’t tried yet and I really want to see what that might be like. It’s like being in love with someone and coming up with something, or having something occur, that makes it all fresh again." - Randy Russell, author of Dead Rules.
"I’ve had a lot of low moments, but what brings me back every time is the story. The new ideas that excite me, inspire me. I could give it all up, but I’d still write stories. Always have. Always will." - Suzanne Young, author of A Need So Beautiful.
"One night I cried my eyes out because someone told me my writing was silly and obtuse, right after another person had told me I should step away from writing. My husband wouldn’t let me quit." - Miranda Kennealy, author of Catching Jordan.

"Oh goodness, yes. There are many, many times a writer doubts their craft. And anything can bring that on. A review, a comment, a rejection. The key thing to remember is why you love writing in the first place and grab hold of it for all you're worth. It brings you back to your happy place in no time." - Jennifer Murgia, author of Lemniscate.
"There was this one time after my first book came out fifteen years ago and got great reviews and won some awards and I thought I was all that and more, but instead my agent couldn’t sell the next book and I went through a terrible divorce (they’re all terrible, even the ones that people say aren’t) and my children were suffering and I was struggling to put my life back together. I somehow managed to write another book but my agent decided it wouldn’t sell either and she didn’t want to represent it but good luck if I wanted to take it somewhere else. I got remarried instead and we had a baby and we adopted another little girl and I figured good lord, there’s enough going on in this life with four daughters and my marriage and my day job teaching college and the myriad other things I’m doing—working with abused and neglected children in the juvenile courts, teaching yoga, directing the Religious Education program at our Unitarian Universalist church. Why complicate it by trying to write and get published with all the concomitant frustrations and doubts and wild mood swings between hope and nihilism. But then a small literary press brought out a collection of my short stories and the Los Angeles Times gave it a nice review and I signed with my wonderful agent Kelly Sonnack and she hooked me up with Kaylan Adair at Candlewick Press and now I’m on my third book with them and we got a dog (me and Janet and the girls, not me and Kelly and Kaylan) and now the dog, whose name is Greer, sits there and stares at me when I’m not writing, as if trying to tell me that I’m not doing right with my life so time to get my ass back in the chair, and get back to work. Or it’s possible he just wants me to take him out for a walk." - Steve Watkins, author of What Comes After.

Find out Tuesday who the authors would choose as their co-author if they could write a book with anyone.
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