What is your favorite part of writing fiction and why?
"I love coming up with twists and turns, both plot-driven and character-driven. I love writing the tension in scenes and seeing how they play out, especially when one character isn't quite telling the whole truth. And I love outlining and seeing a story take shape on paper, becoming something more than just a figment of my imagination." - Aimee Carter, author of The Goddess Test. "The moments when your world-building bursts open like a rose suddenly blooming and all the hard work on each petal becomes this whole flower. The times when your characters make you laugh out loud. The moments they break your heart. For me, there is simply no joy quite as profound as that of creation." - Leanna Renee Hieber, author of Darker Still and The Perilous Prophecy of Guard and Goddess.

"Fiction often seems more real to me than real life, so writing it is the ultimate power trip. As far as the process, I love researching and outlining because that's the time when anything is possible. The bad thing is that it's very easy to linger too long in the research/pre-writing phase -- at some point, one has to commit to an idea and start writing." - Sonia Gensler, author of The Revenant.
"Interviews. You think I’m kidding. It’s like sex again, isn’t it? My favorite part is doing conversation after it’s over. I love talking with people. That’s what I’m doing when I write, after all. That’s what I do with my fictional characters. I get them to tell me a story. Then, you know, I make it gossip. So, you tell me one. I’ll tell you one. Go." - Randy Russell, author of Dead Rules.
"I love creating the characters. I try to breathe life into them, and in the process become emotionally invested in them." - Suzanne Young, author of A Need So Beautiful.
"Making up sexy love stories. No explanation needed, I hope!" - Miranda Kennealy, author of Catching Jordan.

"When it works and a scene comes together and you can see it and hear it and experience it in your head as it's happening, it is the most fun thing ever. And cheaper than a movie!" - Lesley Livingston, author of Tempestuous.
"Creating a story that someone else finds credible. I’m still amazed that I can describe something that I see in my mind, and have that description...those words I’ve strung together...translate into images, emotions, and even memories in someone else’s mind. That thought just blows me away." - Amy Plum, author of Die for Me.

"The escape. I can change the past, warp the future, and be myself, or someone else entirely. It's an amazing feeling being able to create." - Jennifer Murgia, author of Lemniscate.
"When I was little my older brother used to ask me questions about all kinds of stuff, assuming, for reasons I never understood, that I would know the answers. I rarely did, but, not wanting to disappoint—and, really, wanting desperately to live up to the expectations of him or anybody who thought enough of me to have expectations—I would make things up. Him: Hey Steve, why do toilets flush backwards below the equator? Me: That’s a good question, Wayne. It’s pretty complicated, but basically it’s because up here in the Northern Hemisphere the toilet water has to go down to reach the watery center of the Earth, but down there is has to go up. Him: The Earth has a watery center? Me: Yes, of course. Where else do you think the giant underground water-worms live? Him: Boy, you’re really smart, Steve. Me: Thank you, Wayne. So that’s still my favorite part of writing fiction." - Steve Watkins, author of What Comes After.

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