At what point in your publishing journey did you really feel like an author for the first time?
"When I went to a writing conference and I realized that people were being deferential to me. As someone who has earned her living in fairly underappreciated jobs, this was completely new. I wasn’t sure I liked it, to be honest. I have found I prefer to be one of the gang. It’s much more fun. But I suppose I should feel lucky and grateful." - Amy Kathleen Ryan, author of Glow.

"I still don't feel like an author. When I went to sign my first ARC for a contest winner, I sat there with my pen poised above the title page, going, "Am I really about to deface this book with my meaningless signature?" Then I totally messed up spelling my name." - Brodi Ashton, author of Everneath.

"When I saw my name in an anthology. It wasn’t even a particularly exciting anthology, but there was my name, on a book, in print, alongside names like Ann Rule and J.A. Jance, and Terry Brooks. They were all authors. That meant I was too." - Anna Sheehan, author of A Long, Long Sleep.
"Honestly I don't know that I feel like an author now and I'm not sure if I even want to. In my mind "Author" sounds very grand and a little self satisfied. "Author" feels like an endpoint. I think I'm cool with just feeling like a writer." - Jeff Hirsch, author of The Eleventh Plague.
"When I spoke to an assembly of children who had read my first book in class. They followed along in their own copies as I read a passage aloud, and asked brilliant questions afterwards. I loved it when they told me their favorite parts of the story. As a new author, I spend a lot of time introducing my books to readers, so it was amazing to interact with a group who were already fans." -Teresa Flavin, author of The Blackhope Enigma.

"The first time I saw my first novel, Violet on the Runway, on the bookstore shelves, I felt like I was legit!" - Melissa Walker, author of Small Town Sinners.
"At my launch party, when people started asking me questions about the writing process. I realized at that point that I really was an author. It was pretty amazing!" - Julia Karr, author of XVI.
"I think when there was a long line at BookExpo America for an autographed copy of an ARC of The Faerie Ring it really hit me. That was a very special and surreal moment." - Kiki Hamilton, author of The Faerie Ring.

"When I got paid! I've always felt like a writer, but actually getting a check for it felt very real." - Jaclyn Dolamore, author of Between the Sea and Sky.
Find out Thursday when the rest of the authors first felt like authors!
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