What is the hardest emotion for you to convey on the page and why?

"I think they're all hard. I always try to make emotions physical. Cold feet, hot face, tight stomach, goose bumps, drained sinuses, quivery knees, that kind of thing. I think if readers feel it, they'll feel it. Know what I mean?" - Geoff Herbach, author of Stupid Fast.

Pure confusion is easy. I am often confused so it's a familiar emotion. (For example, the other night, the electricity was out, and I woke up in darkness completely convinced that I was at a carnival and could not find the exit. I wandered around my room, bumping into the bed and walls until my brain finally properly identified the sleeping mound as my husband, not a slumbering dancing bear. So I do known confusion)
But confusion where the point-of-view character is confused but the reader isn't... that's technically tricky to pull off. You have to walk this fine line of capturing the emotion while painting the scene. As with writing anything, the trick is to pick the right details." - Sarah Beth Durst, author of Drink, Slay, Love.
"Grief. It’s hard to do well without turning into cliché or melodrama. There’s a scene in my sequel that I’m dreading, because I know Cate will be devastated, and conveying the depth of it will be hard." - Jessica Spotswood, author of Born Wicked.
"Probably the early stirrings of romance. It's so hard not to revert to cliches and to find an original way to describe that wonderful, fluttering feeling. (See? It even sounds stupid when I describe it here.)" - Marianna Baer, author of Frost.
"Desire. It comes in so many forms and sparks so many other, secondary emotions: lust, avarice, jealousy, greed. Hate. Desire, like revenge, is sweet, but there’s sometimes hell to pay after.
" - Ilsa Bick, author of Ashes.
" - Ilsa Bick, author of Ashes.
"I think surprise, fright or shock is the hardest thing for me to convey. I don’t know why—maybe because when we are truly surprised, it’s such a fast, fleeting sensation. I feel limited when trying to describe it." - Angie Frazier, author of The Eternal Sea.
"Optimism, because I am generally a pessimist. " - Stephanie Perkins, author of Lola & the Boy Next Door.
"I think fear can be hard to convey, because real fear is so often just a white-out of panic, without thought." - Amy Garvey, author of Cold Kiss.

"Sadness is easy to convey, but the act of crying is so difficult. There aren’t enough words. It feels like cliché." - Beth Kephart, author of You are My Only.
Stop by Tuesday to find out if the authors have ever worried what fans would think of a scene while they were writing it!
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