How many books would you say you own and what’s your shelving system?
"My books are in storage at the moment, because we were 'staging' our house to try to sell it, so the bookshelves looked nicer half full (I know, crazy, right?) I own probably around 500 books. I plan to have bookshelves built in my new house. I also have about a thousand novels in my classroom." - Bethany Griffin, author of Masque of the Read Death.

"I try not to think about how many books I own. That's dangerous. My husband already worries about our book habit enough as it is. Bookcase space is becoming difficult to find.
We separate our books by size, so all the mass market paperbacks together, all the trade paperbacks, and all the hardcovers. Everything is alphabetized, of course." - Jodi Meadows, author of Incarnate.
We separate our books by size, so all the mass market paperbacks together, all the trade paperbacks, and all the hardcovers. Everything is alphabetized, of course." - Jodi Meadows, author of Incarnate.

"Wow, I honestly have no idea. Hundreds. I shelve middle grade and picture books on one side of the office. YA on the other side. Poetry is in the bedroom. Fantasy and sci-fi (mostly my husband’s) in the living room. Random books are in piles EVERYWHERE." - Sarah Wilson Etienne, author of Harbinger.

"I own somewhere near a thousand books, and I shelve them both by subject (research, non-fiction, YA, etc.) and by rank. My favorites are all in my bedroom, close to hand." - Veronica Rossi, author of Under the Never Sky.
"I probably own around 500 books, organized by color. Which can be really difficult when you’re trying to find something specific and can’t remember if the spine was green or blue!" - Marissa Meyer, author of Cinder.
"Way too many to count! Between me and my fiancé (he also works in publishing) we’ve got a pretty awesome collection of books. This picture doesn’t quite do it justice, but you can get the idea... our cat is a big reader too, as you can see. We organize first by Poetry, Essays, & Letters, then by Fiction, Nonfiction, and finally Children’s and YA." - Jess Rothenberg, author of The Catastrophic History of You and Me.

"I actually don’t own many books! I give them away as soon as I read them. I don’t even need a shelving system – just two small book cases with a handful of favorites crammed in randomly. I really like to travel light in life." - Beth Fantaskey, author of Jessica Rules the Dark Side.
"I own hundreds of books. Almost all of them are on Kindle, so I can move them around with the touch of a button and they don’t need dusting. I have an antique book collection, but they are behind glass can’t be handled." - Mary Lindsey, author of Shattered Souls.

"I have hundreds and they’re lurking everywhere in my apartment: in stacks on my desk, on my coffeetable, under my bed, in the drawers of my nightstand. But I do have this one long hallway lined with bookcases that serves as my main library. There it’s pretty much organized chaos. I know exactly where everything is, but my poor husband can never find anything." - Aimee Agresti, author of Illuminate.
"God only knows and I use a sophisticated system called piling them up until my husband complains." - Jennifer Echols, author of The One That I Want.
"I own hundreds of books, which, right now are all in crates in storage." - Suzanne Lazear, author of Innocent Darkness.
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