The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa is out today, and I'm lucky enough to have her amazing editor here on the blog to talk about Julie, her books, and the editing process! Harlequin TEEN was also generous enough to offer me a copy of The Immortal Rules to give away, so be sure to read all the way to the end and enter.
Now, here's Natashya!
And she's sporting the
clockwork collar! |
Name: Natashya Wilson
Bio: Natashya holds a B.S. in animal science from the University of California, Davis, and an M.A. in magazine journalism from the S. I. Newhouse School at Syracuse University. She began working at Harlequin as an editorial assistant in 1996. She left in 2000 to work first as an associate editor for McGraw-Hill and then later for the Rosen Publishing Group, where she edited children’s nonfiction books. She returned to Harlequin in 2004 and later became the senior editor for Harlequin TEEN.
Hello everyone. I’m Natashya Wilson, the senior editor for the Harlequin TEEN program. Thanks so much for having me here to post as part of The Immortal Rules blog tour. I have the privilege of working with Julie Kagawa, and this book has been one of my favorites to edit. I’m excited to tell everyone a little more about the process.
Years ago when we first acquired Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey trilogy for Harlequin TEEN, I knew we’d found a unique author with an outstanding and cinematic story telling style. I sound a bit gushy, I know, but it’s true. Julie wound up writing a fourth book in that series—um, I might have encouraged that just a bit, but that’s another tale—but even then Blood of Eden was working its way through Julie’s creative mind, and we contracted a new “dark fantasy” trilogy, not quite knowing what it would become. Julie’s agent, Laurie McLean, began describing Julie’s fledgling idea to me and we got to thinking, hmm, could vampires work in a future dystopian world? Laurie took that to Julie, and soon book one of the Blood of Eden series, The Immortal Rules, was on its way.
I was eager to see what Julie would do with a new world, one so different from her bestselling faery series, and when the manuscript came in, it surpassed even my high expectations (see? Gushy. And still entirely true.). I sent her my notes and we talked over Julie’s ideas for refining the story, and did a round of edits before the final ms was ready for production. I hope you’ll enjoy the results as much as I did. The Immortal Rules is darker, edgier and just as action-driven as the Iron Fey books but with a human girl, Allison Sekemoto, making a different choice—die, or become one of the vampire monsters she loathes. The way Julie approached the scenario creates a question that will resonate universally—what does it mean to be human, and what makes someone a monster?
You decide. Please let us know what you think! You can find us on Twitter @HarlequinTEEN and on Facebook. Thank you for following The Immortal Rules blog tour!
All best,
--Natashya Wilson, Senior Editor, Harlequin TEEN
The Immortal Rules
by Julie Kagawa |
You will kill. The only question is when.
In the dark days since the insidious Red Lung virus decimated the human population, vampires have risen to rule the crumbling cities and suburbs. Uncontested Princes hold sway over diminished ranks of humans: their "pets." In exchange for their labor, loyalty and of course, their blood, these pets are registered, given food and shelter, permitted to survive.
Unregistered humans cling to the fringe, scavenging for survival. Allison Sekemoto and her fellow Unregistereds are hunted, not only by vampires, but by rabids, the unholy result of Red Lung-infected vampires feeding on unwary humans. One night, Allie is attacked by a pack of rabids, saved by an unlikely hero...and turned vampire.
Uncomfortable in her undead skin, Allie falls in with a ragtag crew of humans seeking a cure, or cures: for Rabidism and for Vampirism. She's passing for human...for now. But the hunger is growing and will not be denied. Not for friendship—not even for love.

Signings for The Immortal Rules
Tuesday, April 24th at 4pm - Barnes & Noble Livonia, Louisville, KY
Saturday, April 28th at 2pm - The Bookstore, Radcliff, KY
Monday, May 7th at 5:30 pm - Lincoln's Loft, Hodgeville, KY
a Rafflecopter giveaway