Which of your characters causes you the most problems while writing? What kind of shenanigans do they pull?
"Heron, by far. She's just a side-character in Partials, in one or two scenes at most, but I put her in there because I knew she'd be a big deal in Fragments and book 3. We even gave her a starring role in one of our digital extras :) She's a great character, but she's always trouble because she doesn't care about you or your problems--she's in this for herself, and maybe for some other secret reasons she hasn't told you yet, and if she disagrees with the way the other characters are doing something she's more than capable of doing it her own way instead (over their dead bodies if necessary). Finding ways to keep her engaged in the story and not disrupting the whole plot is a challenge, but sometimes it's great because her ideas are better than mine." - Dan Wells, author of Fragments.

"I have a character with anxiety, as in panic attacks and all that good stuff. It can be hard to write her because she freaks out over things that don’t seem like a big deal to the average person, so it’s hard to balance her pov without it getting annoying. And I have a tendency to absorb some of her anxiety and get more stressed while writing her. So yeah, I’m now rewriting her story entirely. That pretty much says it all." - Natalie Whipple, author of Transparent.

"Definitely my main character’s twin brother, Grayson. He’s kinda like Jeremy on The Vampire Diaries: always doing something annoyingly stupid." - Page Morgan, author of The Beautiful and the Cursed.
"My narrators are definitely the ones who cause the most trouble. I spend the most of my time lost in their heads while they play games with me, send me off on aimless walkabouts, hide in trees, and tie my laces together so I trip and fall on my face and have to start over. They are the most frustrating, maddening fictional people I’ve ever come across in my life. But they’re mine." -
Nova Ren Suma, author of 17 & Gone.