Tell us the first sentence of your most recent book.

"From secret contemporary novel: 'The goldfish are uneasy, but who wouldn’t be when their potential killer stares them down so gleefully?'" - Natalie Whipple, author of Transparent.

"'The silence ached.'" - Page Morgan, author of The Beautiful and the Cursed.

"From 15 Days Without a Head: (In the UK), 'Listen, G – this is important and there isn’t much time.' (In the US), 'The front door slams, Mum’s back.'" - Dave Cousins, author of 15 Days Without a Head.

"From The Program: ' The air in the room tastes sterile.'" - Suzanne Young, author of The Program.

"From Never Let You Go: 'The party had been going on for hours.' And here's the first sentence of my current work-in-progress: 'Three hours into the flight, the rumpled gray tops of the Colorado Rockies appeared out of the bleary airplane window.'" - Emma Carlson Berne, author of Never Let Go.

"'Since its inception, guests had entered the Caravan of Wonder without the benefit of light or windows.'" - Josin McQuein, author of Arclight.

"From Dear Life, You Suck: 'The shrinkadinks think I have a screw loose.'" - Scott Blagden, author of Dear Life, You Suck.

"From Going Vintage: 'Things I say to distract Jeremy so I can take a break from making out: 1. I need to go to the bathroom.'" - Lindsey Leavitt, author of Going Vintage.

"'I wake up in a sweat, the sheet twisted around my legs, May third, six a.m., and I know that In half an hour the phone will ring, splitting the thick silence of the house.'" - Lois Ruby, author of Rebel Spirits.
Find out Tuesday how the authors feel about digital extras and the push for readers to be plugged in.
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