Do you feel a need to divorce your personal life from your writing career on social media, etc. or are they too difficult to separate?
"I find them very difficult to separate. I have separate personal and fan pages on Facebook, but they overlap greatly, and I tend to accept fans as friends readily. I think this isn’t a great idea, as my readers can become perhaps too familiar with me before reading a book, but that’s where things stand now." - Bill Konigsberg, author of Openly Straight.
"My family is so incredibly supportive of my work, and my personal life is so all-encompassing for me, that I find it nearly impossible to keep them separate. Nor do I try. I talk about my kids and husband online just like I talk about my work around the dinner table. They really are a blended whole for me." - Aprilynne Pike, author of Life After Theft and Earthbound.
"I pick and choose the personal things I put online. It’s always a challenge what to put up. It’s less about my personal life, because I don’t really think anyone’s interested, and more about how much to reveal about our writing process. I want to be available to all of our readers, but I also don’t want to show so much behind the curtain that it detracts from the experience of reading our books. If you know too much about how story decisions were made, I think it dilutes some of the magic." - Lex Hrabe , co-author of Quarantine: The Loners.
"Too difficult to separate. I had to finally merge the two and then monitor how much information I give out online." - Victoria Scott, author of The Collector.
"Gosh, I don’t separate anything..not my life from my writing or my writing from my life..though I probably should." - Nora Raleigh Baskin, author of Surfacing.
"Initially I considered keeping them more separate – for example, using a buddy list on Facebook, so some posts were only visible to them. I gave this up because it is too hard to try to work out what you can say to whom and to remember to change who can see what. It is far easier to just assume that anything you say on line may be read by anyone, and to act accordingly. Besides, even if a message is only to a select few, you don’t know who else might get tagged in it, and that is out of your control." - Teri Terry, author of Slated.
"Not separated from my personal life so much as sanitized, maybe. I do write for children, after all, so I try to maintain a more or less safe persona online." - Jeff Sampson, author of Ravage.

"I'm careful about what I post, but my personal life and writing career are merged on social media. It's kind of tough to avoid that unless you're willing to maintain two of everything (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)" - Stacey Kade, author of The Ghost & the Goth and The Rules.

"We’re told that readers want to get to know the person behind the book, but I’m cautious about personal tweets and public statements on Facebook. I try not to share religious or political views in public. And I try not to embarrass my kids." - Liz Coley, author of Pretty Girl-13.

"Yes, I do. I very, very occasionally tweet or blog about my family, but I generally keep that aspect of my life under wraps as much as possible. I have different personal and professional accounts on some social medias to help me separate that out and I don't find them difficult to manage. I'm just a naturally very private person when it comes to my personal life." - Kristin Halbrook, author of Nobody But Us.
"Oh, they’re a bit clingy, those two. I think my personal life must have a terrible crush on my writing career…they’re pretty inseparable. I think they met on twitter back in 2009…." - Robyn Schneider, author of The Begining of Everything.
Stop by Thursday to see if the rest of the authors seek to separate their personal lives from their professional ones.
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