How has your life changed since you sold your first book and joined the publishing industry? Did you maintain life as you knew it or ditch the day job and become a full-time author?
"I ditched my day job prematurely. I had just sold my second book (which, as it turns out, was later cancelled when my editor left the publishing house), I was going on tour, and I figured I couldn’t do it and a day job. Perhaps that was true, but a couple years later I was without work and without a book deal and had to go back to work. I am once again 'just a writer,' but I think this time it will likely stick as I have many more irons in the fire." - Bill Konigsberg, author of Openly Straight.
"I am a full-time author, but since I was a full-time mom before that, I haven't exactly quit my job.:) Honestly, my life hasn't changed much since I started writing. Before, I ran my household and took care of kids and plunked away at the keyboard whenever I got a chance. These days I still run my household and plunk away at the keyboard whenever I get a chance. I just get paid for it now." - Aprilynne Pike, author of Life After Theft and Earthbound.
"We’ve gotten busier. So far, between deadlines and the fact that Quarantine is a trilogy, there hasn’t been much time for a typical day job. Making the ends meet can be a challenge (and stressful), but somehow things work out." - Lex Hrabe , co-author of Quarantine: The Loners.
"I left my job before becoming a published author b/c the paper I was working for was folding. Life has definitely changed since becoming published. It’s different. It’s amazing." - Victoria Scott, author of The Collector.
"I actually got fired from my job right before I was first published and after running home crying I then secretly rejoiced in having more time to finish the book I was working on. But I still teach writing and hebrew school and I am still a mom and homemaker, so no my life remains the same." - Nora Raleigh Baskin, author of Surfacing.
"I’m a full time author! Hurrah! No day job, and I usually write half the day in bed in my fuzzy PJ’s. Though this can be embarrassing when people knock on the door. I also have to remind myself to occasionally get out of the house and interact with real people – I talk to myself and the characters in my head a worrying amount already." - Teri Terry, author of Slated.
"When my Deviants trilogy sold, I was lucky enough to be able to buck the day job and work as a writer full time. Mostly that just means I spend far more time at home than I used to, though I’ve vowed to start making my way to more writer shindigs soon!" - Jeff Sampson, author of Ravage.

"In spite of all the advice I received to the contrary, I ditched my day job and I now write full time. It's too early for me to know whether this decision will work out (financially), but in terms of satisfaction with life, I'm loving it! I write for 7-8 hours a day, then read for a few hours, then turn to social media, marketing, emails, etc. I love my life." - A.B. Westrick, author of Brotherhood.

"Oh man. It's been a crazy change. I never thought anyone would read my books and I was happy just writing at night when I got home from work. But I've since quit my job and I now write full-time. I love it and hope to stay doing this." - Molly McAdams, author of Taking Chances.

"I continued working as a copywriter for two years after my first book sold. Then my part-time, very flexible job was phased out, and I knew I had to make a choice. It was the scariest thing I've ever done, NOT looking for another job and writing full time. But it has been an amazing and wonderful (and occasionally terrifying) experience." - Stacey Kade, author of The Ghost & the Goth and The Rules.

"I was lucky enough to have been financially supported while the kids were growing and I was learning the craft. Two-thirds of my day job as a stay-home mom has now graduated high school and gone far away to college, but I still have to maintain life as I know it for my teenaged daughter and husband. I still cook from scratch (well) and clean my own house (poorly)." - Liz Coley, author of Pretty Girl-13.

"It hasn't changed that much. I still work outside of writing, though my schedule is ultimately flexible. I spend more daylight hours writing than before, but that has more to do with changing family dynamics than anything else. Ultimately, I'm living my dream. And it's amazing." - Kristin Halbrook, author of Nobody But Us.
"My life before and my life after are like two totally unrelated books written by different authors. It’s crazy how much has changed, in the best possible way." - Robyn Schneider, author of The Begining of Everything.
Come back Thursday to find if the rest of the authors'
lives changed since they got published.
lives changed since they got published.
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