Release Date: Feb. 11, 2014
Publisher: Dutton Juvenile
Age Group: Young Adult
Format: Hardcover
Source: Publisher
Pages: 388
Buy: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / IndieBound
Description: Goodreads
Sixteen-year-old Austin Szerba interweaves the story of his Polish legacy with the story of how he and his best friend , Robby, brought about the end of humanity and the rise of an army of unstoppable, six-foot tall praying mantises in small-town Iowa. To make matters worse, Austin's hormones are totally oblivious; they don't care that the world is in utter chaos: Austin is in love with his girlfriend, Shann, but remains confused about his sexual orientation. He is stewing in a self-professed constant state of maximum horniness, directed at both Robby and Shann.
Ultimately, it is up to Austin to save the world and propagate the species in this sci-fright journey of survival, sex, and the complex realities of the human condition.
About the Author

He is a native-born Californian who spent most of his formative years traveling the world. His university studies focused on Political Science, Journalism, and Literature. He has published numerous short stories and articles. Grasshopper Jungle, coming February 11, 2014, is his seventh novel. He lives in Southern California.
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Grasshopper Jungle reads like a text version of the television show 24 on steroids. For those who never watched the show, the picture would frequently split the screen into 2 - 4 panels and show different scenes concurrently. Grasshopper Jungle obtains the same effect by rattling off a series of one-to-two short sentence updates on what every character is doing as it tries to create a snapshot of the goings on in a small town in Iowa. The technique is often used to highlight the complete absurdity of the current situation, spouting series similar to, “Character A was buying cigarettes. Character 2 was trying to find a skateboard. Character 3 was being eaten by a giant grasshopper.” The trick would be cool enough if it stopped there, but narrator often includes reminders of past events in these snapshots, as if he’s trying to compress all of the important events in the novel into one paragraph.
The narrator constantly employs callbacks and epithets to help highlight the bizarre turns of events. For the majority of the novel, these repeated phrases serve as an entertaining way to defuse discussions on serious topics. To continue the television comparisons, the narration often felt like a book version of Arrested Development with its running gags and self-references. Some of the most effective references subvert others, such as, “I was horny and mathematically confused,” adding a twist to the narrator’s constant need to alter the reader to whether he is or is not horny. Eventually, the callbacks do start to wear thin, but not until the last 40-50 pages. Even then, many of the callbacks still work; it’s only the ones persist since the very first chapters that wear out their welcomes.
The novel throws a huge number of balls in the air and manages to juggle most of them extremely well. Off the top of my head, it tackles: premarital sex, absentee fathers, genetic modification, the war in Afghanistan, immigration, child neglect, and sexual confusion. It doesn’t stick the landing perfectly on all of the topics, but it’s still impressively dense thematically while also just telling a fun sci-fi yarn. The main conflict of the novel, giant bugs aside, is the main character’s sexual confusion, the resolution of which is particularly well handled.
It’s interesting to note that the main characters, by and large, have no interaction with the sci-fi plot. They are affected by it and learn of it, but aside from a couple of scenes, the two stories don’t intersect until the novel’s resolution. For most of the novel, the characters are wholly unaware of the exciting sci-fi action. No other sci-fi story comes to mind immediately in which the characters are almost entirely unaware and uninvolved, and it didn’t even realize it was the case until I sat down to write this review.
In closing, the best way I can think to describe Grasshopper Jungle is that it’s wholly original. It has a distinct voice and its attempts to super-compress the entirely of the novel into very few sentences is a really cool trick. I also appreciate how much it jams into fewer than 400 pages. Sometimes it feels like everything these days is the start of a new series and it’s refreshing to run across something that tells a single, self-contained story with more depth than most of those series have in their entire length. While not everything about Grasshopper Jungle works, it comes very close. Besides, it’s much more intriguing to read something unique that’s a bit rough around the edges than it is to read something entirely conventional done to perfection.
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Awesome review! Thanks so much for posting! :)
I am enjoying the reviews. This does sound original and I like that most of all.
ReplyDeleteNice honest review